Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2

I think I did pretty well for day 2. I was able to really focus on what I put in my mouth! I made sure to pay attention to my portion control. I want to do this right by eating regular food and not processed or "diet food." I ate things I like but things that were healthy.
Green Tea
Whole Wheat Toast
1c Cereal
1c Milk
Serving Size of Lays Baked Potato Chips (Which is 9 chips)
1tsp Ranch Dip
Baked Chicken Thigh
Cornbread Muffin
1c Black Eyed Peas

I used to calculate how many calories each item had that I ate. They have a great system. I stayed under 1300 calories and still ate things I like. I worked out for 20 mins on the bike. I hope to be up to an hour by next week. I am thinking about trying several Jillian Michaels Shred-it for 6 weeks, 6 weeks abs, and her 5 disc complete body workout for 6 weeks. I will try to do the abs workout with each of the total body workout discs. It's alot to do but I want results so I have to put in alot of work. I will use to keep up with my daily workouts and what I am eating. I use this blog to keep myself accountable.


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